Saturday 9 January 2010


Akwaba! I was reduced to tears watching Channel 4’s Dispatches program "Saving Africa’s witch children In Nigeria"

Innocent children were blamed for misfortunes and branded witches! As a result they were abandoned, tortured & murdered!

The program really affected me and moved me to take action and use my business as a tool to help the innocent children of Nigeria.

Find out how you can TAKE ACTION and stop this abuse to innocent children!

Or You can visit Channel 4's dedicated page to this cause:

You can also watch the episode again on Channel 4's website:


Anonymous said...

Yes, really terrible.. there was another documentary about a Ugandan Priest who was discouraging witchdoctors from such practices in rural Uganda on Newsnight BBC 2 last week.

Tamu Beauty said...

Sooo sad!!! It breaks my heart seeing my little African children being tortured for such BACKWARDS beliefs. I am currently creating a special soap and all of the profits will go to the charities set up to help these children. If you have any fundraising ideas do let us know. Keep your stories coming in!!!

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